Sunday, May 12, 2013


Green house gases absorb the infrared radiations, traps the heat for longer time and makes the atmosphere warmer. It is definitely true that one of the reasons that we are living on earth is because of these green house gases but if we are not careful about their atmospheric levels then they will kill us. According to the latest survey, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is highest in last 2 million years. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is most harmful among all other green house gases.Before the industrial revolution, the problem was not that much serious. Now a days industrialization has become the benchmark for country’s development, almost every industry results in increasing the amount of green house gas in the atmosphere. The problem is much more serious as carbon levels are increasing exponentially. Previously it takes 7000 years to increase CO2 level by some amount but now the carbon dioxide has gone up by the same amount in just 55 years.

                                                     What steps we can take as an individual to minimize the effect? As trees absorb CO2 while photosynthesis we should plant more trees. We can use alternative eco-friendly fuels. We should save electricity, save water, walk whenever possible. If such things are added up by billions of people then definitely it will improve our climatic condition. Everything is in our hand and it’s up to us that what we want? We need to think about our next generation, what type of life you want to give to your generation?  

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ubuntu: How to solve “Could not get lock on /var/lib/dpkg/lock“ problem ?

This one of the most frequent problems that arises while updating the installation packages. In order to solve this problem we need to remove the lock file from dpkg well as cache directory. After removing the lock we can update the packages without any error.

Remove Lock from dpkg    :     sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock
Remove Lock from cache   :     sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock
Update packages                :     sudo apt-get update
Upgrade packages              :     sudo apt-get upgrade

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ubuntu:Waiting for jockey-backend to exit

After installation of Ubuntu the most common problem is updating or downloading softwares. When we try to update any package or tried to install any software, Ubuntu gives message Waiting for jockey-backend to exit in Update manager. Jockey is tool for installation of third party hardware drivers and need to be disabled safely.

In order to resolve this problem we need to kill this jockey-backend process. Here is solution to do that.

1.Get Administrative access             sudo -i
2.Get process id of jockey-backend process    ps -e | grep jockey

3.Kill this process                            kill -9  process_id

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lets Save Precious Water

Water is one of the most precious natural resource that the human beings got. The important thing is how serious we are about its usage?

The amount of water available on the earth is sufficient for human beings if we use it carefully. As population of the earth is increasing exponentially so is the demand of drinking water but we are wasting large amount of water just because currently we are having its sufficient supply. Currently we have to pay for 20 to 30 rupee for one water bottle. The most of the rural areas are still does not have sufficient water supply. They are supplied by water tankers that so not daily. The condition will become much more worsen in the future if we don’t save water. So let’s join our hands to save water as much as possible.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Implimenting File Sever In Linux

                                          File server can be considered as administrative  storage of shared  resources in the network so that other terminals in the network can access to those resources.

              Here I am implimenting a multithreaded concurrent server.Multithreaded means seperate thread for each client request. One main thread (listen) will continiously run till there are client requests for the files.We have to create seperate thread to service each client request.Concurrent means that server can handle many client requests simultaneously.We also have to impliment mutual exclusion for shared resources.It means that simultaneous reading is possible but  reading while writing or writing while reading is not possible.
                  First we must run server code and then client code. After sucessfully conneted with client , server will display list of available files , will ask whether client want to read or write file  ? In both cases  server will send requested file to client and apply read/write lock on that file so that consistency must  be maintained.In my code ,server is opening file in read mode , reading it and then send it to client.At client end if client want to read the file , display  that file on terminal. If client is writing into file then that change must be reflected into file at server side.For next read request that updated file must be use.

            The main idea is to create socket connection first then we have to handle file read or write request .The functions that i have used for socket creation are  socket(),bind(),connect(),accept() etc and write() and read() for file manipulation.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Life Extension

Actually it is study of slowing down or reverses the changes that took place in human body over period of time.Basic idea is to extend average life or maximum life span of humans. It involve rejunation which is process of replacement of damaged tissues with new ones. Raymond Kurzweil, a futurist and transhumanist, stated in his book 'The Singularity Is Near' that he believes that advanced medical nanorobotics could completely remedy the effects of aging by 2030. Here are some techniques used for life extension

• Nanotechnology
• Cloning and body part replacement
• Cycronics
• Genetic modification
• Fooling genes

The technology is getting much more advanced day by day. Recent scientific successes in rejuvenation and extending a lifespan of model animals and discovery of variety of species give hope to cancel ageing for younger humans, reverse ageing or at least significantly delay it.Just looking at advanced technology of medical sciences ,nanotechnology,neuroscience we may predict its sucess in future.Normally almost everybody wants to live longer as has fear to die. Approzimate human life span is about 100 years.If life extension is sucessful in future, can you guess what will be human’s life span? Our body tissues gets damaged over time but even after sucessful life extension dont you think it will have adversed effect on our boby? Will our body react in same way as it earlier? I think it will bring much more complications to human life.

God has given wonderful life to us and let it be simple.  Feel it Dream it  Live it .
Lets think about it...!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Damn The 100th

Iconic Indian batsman Sachin Tendulkar scripted history by becoming the first cricketer in the world to score 100 international centuries.”
                      This time celebrations was muted, but it has been overshadowed by a sense of relief. This would be the first time that a Sachin had scored century and everybody is feeling relief rather than celebration (may he also).Looking into last 2 years,2010 was brilliant year for him as he scored total 8 centuries.He scored his 99th century on 11th march against South Africa in World Cup 2011.After that match he got 4 opportunities for golden ton in World Cup 2011 but he failed on every occasion. Since then it had been an long wait for the master blaster, whose every inning was watched with anticipation and excitement. He came so close so many times, in Oval against England , in Mumbai against Westindies or in the first two Tests in Australia.He was out of form during India's Test and ODI whitewash at the hands of England last year and though he recovered quite a bit in the later series, the hundred was still not coming.

                            Tendulkar seemed to be in good touch during the Tests but his form waned after he missed the 100th hundred despite coming close a few time.Following this, he made himself available for the ODI tri-series against Sri Lanka and Australia but there too, the milestone proved elusive.A long wait of 33 innings has frusted all his fans,But the wait finally ended in familiar sub-continental environment.When asked him about his feeling after 100thton, he said he felt 50 kilos lighter after the century, he was obviously referring to the pressures of expectations that he had to carry for over a year. None of us can feel that pressure as those who haven't gone through it won't know how difficult that was.This inning adds one more record of scoring century against all ODI playing teams.
                            This golden moment could have been better, against quality opponent and on a wicket that didn’t really have the typical subcontinent feel about it. It could have happened in Australia, or in England, or during the World Cup. But then, this is not the time to brood on what could have been. This is the time to congratulate,celebrate ,chear ,enjoy and hoping that best is yet to come....