Thursday, March 22, 2012

Life Extension

Actually it is study of slowing down or reverses the changes that took place in human body over period of time.Basic idea is to extend average life or maximum life span of humans. It involve rejunation which is process of replacement of damaged tissues with new ones. Raymond Kurzweil, a futurist and transhumanist, stated in his book 'The Singularity Is Near' that he believes that advanced medical nanorobotics could completely remedy the effects of aging by 2030. Here are some techniques used for life extension

• Nanotechnology
• Cloning and body part replacement
• Cycronics
• Genetic modification
• Fooling genes

The technology is getting much more advanced day by day. Recent scientific successes in rejuvenation and extending a lifespan of model animals and discovery of variety of species give hope to cancel ageing for younger humans, reverse ageing or at least significantly delay it.Just looking at advanced technology of medical sciences ,nanotechnology,neuroscience we may predict its sucess in future.Normally almost everybody wants to live longer as has fear to die. Approzimate human life span is about 100 years.If life extension is sucessful in future, can you guess what will be human’s life span? Our body tissues gets damaged over time but even after sucessful life extension dont you think it will have adversed effect on our boby? Will our body react in same way as it earlier? I think it will bring much more complications to human life.

God has given wonderful life to us and let it be simple.  Feel it Dream it  Live it .
Lets think about it...!

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