Green house gases absorb
the infrared radiations, traps the heat for longer time and makes the
atmosphere warmer. It is definitely true that one of the reasons that we are
living on earth is because of these green house gases but if we are not careful
about their atmospheric levels then they will kill us. According to the latest
survey, the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is highest in last 2 million
years. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is most harmful among all other green
house gases. Before the industrial
revolution, the problem was not that much serious. Now a days industrialization
has become the benchmark for country’s development, almost every industry
results in increasing the amount of green house gas in the atmosphere. The
problem is much more serious as carbon levels are increasing exponentially.
Previously it takes 7000 years to increase CO2 level by some amount
but now the carbon dioxide has gone up by the same amount in just 55 years.
What steps we can take as an individual to minimize the
effect? As trees absorb CO2 while photosynthesis we should plant
more trees. We can use alternative eco-friendly fuels. We should save
electricity, save water, walk whenever possible. If such things are added up by
billions of people then definitely it will improve our climatic condition.
Everything is in our hand and it’s up to us that what we want? We need to think
about our next generation, what type of life you want to give to your